How Do You Measure a Horses Height?

Last Updated on September 17, 2023 by Marco C.

Measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership and care. Knowing the height of your horse can help you determine the right size of tack and equipment, as well as provide a baseline for monitoring your horse’s growth. There are several methods for measuring a horse’s height, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll discuss the different ways to measure a horse’s height and the pros and cons of each.

How to Measure a Horse’s Height: A Step-by-Step Guide

Measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership. Knowing the height of your horse can help you determine the size of the saddle and other equipment you need, as well as the horse’s age. Here is a step-by-step guide to accurately measure your horse’s height.

Step 1: Gather the necessary materials. You will need a measuring tape, a level surface, and a helper.

Step 2: Place the horse on a level surface. Make sure the horse is standing straight and is not leaning to one side.

Step 3: Place the measuring tape at the highest point of the horse’s withers. This is the point where the neck meets the back.

Step 4: Have your helper hold the measuring tape in place while you measure the horse’s height. Measure from the highest point of the withers to the ground.

Step 5: Record the measurement. The measurement should be in hands, which is equal to four inches. For example, if the measurement is 16 inches, the horse is four hands tall.

Step 6: Repeat the process for accuracy. It is important to measure the horse’s height multiple times to ensure accuracy.

Measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership. By following these steps, you can accurately measure your horse’s height and use the information to determine the size of the saddle and other equipment you need.

The Different Methods of Measuring a Horse’s Height

Measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership and management. Knowing the height of a horse can help determine the size of the saddle and other equipment that is needed, as well as the horse’s age and breed. There are several different methods of measuring a horse’s height, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most common method of measuring a horse’s height is the “stick method.” This involves using a long, straight stick or pole and placing it against the horse’s withers, the highest point of the horse’s back. The stick is then marked at the point where it meets the ground. The distance between the ground and the mark is the horse’s height. This method is simple and inexpensive, but it is not very accurate.

Another method of measuring a horse’s height is the “tape method.” This involves using a long, flexible tape measure and placing it against the horse’s withers. The tape is then marked at the point where it meets the ground. The distance between the ground and the mark is the horse’s height. This method is more accurate than the stick method, but it is more expensive and time-consuming.

The “stride method” is another way to measure a horse’s height. This involves measuring the length of the horse’s stride and then multiplying it by four. This method is not very accurate, but it is simple and inexpensive.

Finally, the “hoof method” is a more accurate way to measure a horse’s height. This involves measuring the length of the horse’s hoof and then multiplying it by four. This method is more accurate than the other methods, but it is also more expensive and time-consuming.

No matter which method is used, it is important to remember that the measurements should be taken in the same place each time. This will ensure that the measurements are as accurate as possible.

The Benefits of Accurately Measuring a Horse’s Height

Accurately measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership and management. Knowing the exact height of a horse can provide valuable information about its health, development, and performance. Here are some of the benefits of accurately measuring a horse’s height:

1. Health: Knowing a horse’s exact height can help to identify any health issues that may be related to its size. For example, if a horse is significantly taller or shorter than expected, it could indicate a growth disorder or other health issue.

2. Development: Accurately measuring a horse’s height can help to track its development over time. This can be especially useful for young horses, as it can help to identify any potential issues with their growth and development.

3. Performance: Accurately measuring a horse’s height can also be beneficial for performance. Knowing the exact height of a horse can help to identify any potential issues with its conformation, which can affect its performance in the show ring or on the race track.

Overall, accurately measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse ownership and management. Knowing the exact height of a horse can provide valuable information about its health, development, and performance.


Q: What is the most common way to measure a horse’s height?
A: The most common way to measure a horse’s height is by using a measuring stick or tape measure. The horse should be standing on level ground and the measurement should be taken from the ground to the highest point of the withers.

Q: How is a horse’s height expressed?
A: A horse’s height is typically expressed in hands, which is a unit of measurement equal to 4 inches. For example, a horse that is 16 hands tall would be 64 inches tall.

Q: What is the difference between a horse’s height and its length?
A: The height of a horse is measured from the ground to the highest point of the withers, while the length of a horse is measured from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttock.


Measuring a horse’s height is an important part of horse care and management. Knowing the height of a horse can help determine the size of the saddle and other equipment needed, as well as the horse’s age and breed. It is important to use the correct method when measuring a horse’s height, as incorrect measurements can lead to inaccurate results. With the right tools and techniques, measuring a horse’s height can be done quickly and accurately.