How to Care for Your New Rescue Horse

Last Updated on January 13, 2022 by Sam

You’ve got a new horse! If you’re looking to care for your new rescue, then keep these tips in mind.
Topic: What are the Best Types of Horse Food?
Category: Horses。
Introduction: When it comes to feeding horses, there’s no one correct answer. It all depends on what type of horse food you want to feed your animal and how much time they spend out at pasture each day.

The “spca horses for adoption” is a non-profit organization that helps to find homes for unwanted horses. They also provide information on how to care for your new rescue horse.

You go, girlfriend, if you’ve just acquired a rescue horse! The greatest horses are those that have been rescued.

You may be unsure how to effectively care for them and ensure that they have all they need.


I’ve adopted several rescues via organizations and people, and I’ve built a plan for each new rescue over time.

If you adopted through an agency that may have done things like floating their teeth or given them immunizations, be sure to adjust this list to your specific scenario.

What You Should Know About Caring for Your New Rescue Horse

1. Schedule an appointment with your veterinarian.

Because it’s likely that your new rescue hasn’t had his teeth floated in a long time, I usually start here.

For sedation, I had my teeth floated by a veterinarian.

Equine dentists aren’t permitted to use tranquilizers, which makes floating teeth more traumatic, and I suggest cleaning your new rescue horse’s sheath or udders while they’re sedated.

Making sure your rescue horse doesn’t have any sharp edges or damaged teeth can help them chew their feed more efficiently and get the maximum nutrients out of it.

They’ve also probably not had their udders or sheaths washed in a long time.

Ask your veterinarian about immunization recommendations for your region, in addition to teeth and sheaths (ha ha).

Collect a fecal sample for your vet to examine for worms before he arrives.

Take a look at this article on feces samples and deworming.

2. Place Your New Rescue Horse in Quarantine

There are several communicable diseases that horses may take up at auctions (if that’s where you bought your horse), thus quarantining your horse for at least two weeks is strongly recommended to safeguard your other horses or the other horses at your barn. Three is preferable.

If your horse has taken up something that may be passed on, he will display signs after three weeks.

Taking his temperature on a regular basis might potentially indicate the onset of an illness.

See how to introduce your rescue horse to the other horses without all the fuss in this article.

3. Contact your farrier to schedule an appointment.

This may or may not apply to you, depending on where you purchased your horse.

The majority of the rescues I’ve brought in have bad feet. You may receive a tranquilizer from your veterinarian if they don’t know how to stand for the farrier. This will help the procedure go more smoothly and safely.

4. Food Restriction

When we get a thin, neglected horse, our first reaction is to feed them as much as they can bear in order to help them acquire weight.

However, if you don’t know what your horse was given before, this may do additional harm.

Give them as much free forage (hay or grass) as they like, as well as water, but gradually introduce feed in little amounts over two weeks.

If you believe your new horse has Cushing’s disease, you should reduce their grass intake as well. To be sure, your veterinarian can take a blood sample.

For a more extensive look at how/what to feed, see my article on how to put weight on a thin horse.

5. Keep interactions to a minimum

Human engagement might be difficult if your horse has had a terrible history.

Depending on the horse, even your presence might be stressful.

I prefer to let your horse a few weeks of simply being a horse if they’ve come from a bad circumstance (and me just being the lady that brings the feed).

Allowing them time to adjust to their new surroundings will put them up for success. A new area will have new sights, sounds, scents, and routines, so giving them time to adjust will set them up for success.

Watch This Video-

The “goat rescue new england” is a great way to care for your new horse. It can be done on any farm, as long as you have a large enough space and the time.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you get a rescue horse to trust you?

A: This is a tricky question. There are many different ways to get horses to trust you and interact with them, but I can only give general suggestions on how this could be done. It would depend very much on the type of horse in question and what it has been used for its entire life. Horses that have had previous contact with humans might not take kindly to being approached without prior warning or training, so trying to approach such an animal may prove difficult if extreme caution is taken–perhaps distracting the horse by playing some music or throwing out treats while working your way around behind where they stand beforehand?

Are rescue horses good for beginners?

A: Horses are amazing for beginners to learn how to ride. They have a lot of energy and do not need as much time or space like other horses, making them great for smaller people!

How can I help my rescue horse?

A: You can help your horse by giving it a carrot, an apple or both. Apples and carrots are great for horses teeth that are prone to decay and fermentation in the mouth.

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